Tonic Polish - Suspiria


Tonic Polish - Suspiria

Ce Bordeaux à shimmer doré s'appelle Suspiria de Tonic Polish. Ici en deux couches avec top coat.
This Burgundy with golden shimmer is called Suspiria by Tonic Polish. Here in two coats with top coat.

Tonic Polish - Suspiria

Tonic Polish - Suspiria

Tonic Polish - Suspiria

Tonic Polish - Suspiria

Tonic Polish - Suspiria


  • Formule = L'application était facile. La couleur est fabuleuse. Elle est en pré-oder en ce moment, profitez en :)
  • Application = Ici en deux couches avec top coat.
  • Couleur = Bordeaux à shimmer doré
  • Opinion = 5/5
  • Formula = The application was easy. The color is fabulous. It is in pre order now, you shouldn't miss it :)
  • Application = Here in two coats with top coat.
  • Color = Burgundy with golden shimmer
  • Opinion = 5/5
Schette, le 15 février 2018

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