ILNP - Indie go, Music box

Vous pourrez trouver cette marque sur la boutique .

You can find this brand on the shop .


ILNP - Indie go, Music box

Indie go

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

Indie go est un bleu foncé holographique à sparkles bleues claires. L'application est parfaite et il est posé ici en deux couches, sans top coat.
Indie go is a dark blue holographique with light blue spakles. The application is perfect and it's worn in two coats, without top coat.

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

A l'ombre.
In shade.

Music Box

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

Music box est un bleu pastel holographique. L'application est parfaite et il est posé ici en deux couches, sans top coat.
Music Box is a pastel blue holographic. The application is perfect and it's worn in two coats, without top coat.

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

Un petit nail art.
A little nail art.

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

Comparaison Princeton / Music Box
Comparison Princeton / Music Box

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

Comparaison Music Box (bas) / Enchanted polish Ocean Potion (haut)
Comparison Music Box (bottom) / Enchanted polish Ocean Potion (top)

ILNP - Indie go, Music box

Schette, le 21 janvier 2015

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