Girly Bits - Protoype June 13,16,18

Vous pourrez trouver cette marque sur la boutique .

You can find this brand on the shop .


Girly Bits - Protoype June 13,16,18

June #18

Girly Bits - Protoype June 13,16,18

C'est une version bleutée de Razzle Dazzled, avec des sparkles rouges. Posé en deux couches avec top coat.
This is a blue version of Razzled Dazzled, with red sparkles. It's worn in two coats, with top coat.

Girly Bits - Protoype June 13,16,18

Girly Bits - Protoype June 13,16,18

Girly Bits - Protoype June 13,16,18

June #16

Girly Bits - Protoype June 13,16,18

Mon petit préféré, un bordeaux dans le meme esprit que le précédent. Lui aussi porté en deux couches avec top coat.
My favorite a burgundy. It's also worn in two coats with top coat.

Girly Bits - Protoype June 13,16,18

Girly Bits - Protoype June 13,16,18

Girly Bits - Protoype June 13,16,18

June #13

Girly Bits - Protoype June 13,16,18

J'aime moins celui-ci, il est vert à sparkles turquoise et super holo. Il est Posé en deux couches sans top coat.
I like less this one. It's green with teal sparkles and super holo. It's worn in two coats, without top coat.

Girly Bits - Protoype June 13,16,18

Girly Bits - Protoype June 13,16,18

Girly Bits - Protoype June 13,16,18

Schette, le 6 novembre 2014

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