Girly Bits - A Stripper has been sleeping in my bed


Girly Bits - A Stripper has been sleeping in my bed

Ce Gris ŕ paillettes holographique s'appelle A Stripper has been sleeping in my bed de Girly Bits. Ici en trois couches avec top coat.
This Gray with holographic glitter is called A Stripper has been sleeping in my bed by Girly Bits. Here in three coats with top coat.

Girly Bits - A Stripper has been sleeping in my bed

Girly Bits - A Stripper has been sleeping in my bed

Girly Bits - A Stripper has been sleeping in my bed

Girly Bits - A Stripper has been sleeping in my bed

Girly Bits - A Stripper has been sleeping in my bed


  • Formule = Si on est fan de vernis ŕ paillettes, c'est un incontournable. Attention cependant, il est difficile ŕ enlever, comme tous les vernis de la sorte.
  • Application = Ici en trois couches avec top coat.
  • Couleur = Gris ŕ paillettes holographique
  • Opinion = 3/5
  • Formula = If you like glittery polish, this is a must have. Beware, it's a bit difficult to remove, like all this kind of polish.
  • Application = Here in three coats with top coat.
  • Color = Gray with holographic glitter
  • Opinion = 3/5
Schette, le 14 juillet 2019

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