Eat Sleep Polish - Ride the rocket


Eat Sleep Polish - Ride the rocket

Ce Rose thermique holographique s'appelle Ride the rocket de Eat Sleep Polish. Ici en deux couches avec top coat.
This Pink thermal holographic is called Ride the rocket by Eat Sleep Polish. Here in two coats with top coat.

Eat Sleep Polish - Ride the rocket

Eat Sleep Polish - Ride the rocket

Eat Sleep Polish - Ride the rocket

Eat Sleep Polish - Ride the rocket

Eat Sleep Polish - Ride the rocket

Eat Sleep Polish - Ride the rocket

Eat Sleep Polish - Ride the rocket

Eat Sleep Polish - Ride the rocket


  • Formule = Ce vernis faisait partie du dernier batch de prototypes. Sur les premières photos, on voit à peine la transition, mais on la voit mieux ensuite avec les waterdecalls.
  • Application = Ici en deux couches avec top coat.
  • Couleur = Rose thermique holographique
  • Opinion = 5/5
  • Formula = This polish was part of the last batch of prototypes. On the first pictures, we barely ca see the transition, but we can see it better on the pics with waterdecalls.
  • Application = Here in two coats with top coat.
  • Color = Pink thermal holographic
  • Opinion = 5/5
Schette, le 31 decembre 2017

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