Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2


Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Après une collection Fairies and Princesses en décembre 2014, Eat Sleep Polish a décidé de completer la collection avec cette partie 2, comprenant 6 nouveaux vernis. Je vais vous montrer les 3 derniers aujourd'hui : Ariel's Gizmos Aplenty, Aisling's Secret, Belle of the Ball.
After Having a Fairies and Princesses collection in december 2014, Eat Sleep Polish decided to complete this collection with this part 2, with 6 new polish. I will show you the last 3 today : Ariel's Gizmos Aplenty, Aisling's Secret, Belle of the Ball

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Belle of the Ball, est un jaune totalament bleuffant ! Appliqué parfaitement en trois couches avec top coat.
Belle of the Ball is a stunning yellow ! Worn in three coats with top coat.

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Lumière naturelle - Soleil <3
Natural light - Sun <3

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Aisling's Secret. Encore un qui est ... whaooo, c'est une tuerie. C'est un joli bleu ciel holo aux reflets magnétiques. Je l'ai aussi posé en deux couches avec top coat.
Aisling's Secret. Once again, one .... whaooo, this is a killer. That's a pretty light blue with magnetical reflects. I also wear it in two coats.

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Je trouve les reflets à la lumière artificielle assez peu réalistes.
I find the reflects with artificial light quite unrealistic.

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Voilà qui est plus fidèle, avec le soleil <3
This is more accurate pictures, with sun <3

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Oui, je sais, ce n'est pas la bonne bouteille. En fait j'attendais le soleil avec tellement d'impatience, que je suis allée sur mon balcon avec la mauvaise bouteille. Pis le swatche étant plutot joli je me suis dit, tant pis ca fera un truc à raconter !
Yes, I know, this is not the right bottle. In fact? I was sooo waiting for sun with hastle that when I went outside, I hold the bad bottle. And the swatch was pretty good, so I told myself, too bad, but at least, I'll have something to tell !

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Ariel's Gizmos Aplenty. C'est mon préféré de la collection, il est vraiment juste whaooooooooo. Je suis tombée à la renverse quand je l'ai posé. Je l'ai aussi porté en deux couches avec top coat.
Ariel's Gizmos Aplenty. This is my favorite of the collection. It's just whaooooooooo. I felt from my chair when I put it on my nails. I also worn it in two coats with top coat.

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Comme le précédént, je trouve que la couleur est plus fidèle sur les shots au soleil.
Like the previous one, I find that the color is more accurate with sun shots.

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Lumière naturelle - Soleil
Natural light - Sun

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Oui,je suis folle de celui-ci !
Yes, I'm mad of this one !

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Avec un soleil "normal"
With a "regular" sun

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2

Eat Sleep Polish : Fairies and Princess Part 2 - Episode 2


Voilà pour la seconde partie de cette nouvelle collection. La date de release n'est pas encore connue au moment où j'écris ces lignes, donc je vous le dirais dès que je saurais.
J'ai une énorme préférence pour Ariel's Gizmos Aplenty, vous l'aurez compris. Et vous, lequel préférez-vous ?
So, this is the second part of this collection. The release date is not known yet, so I'll keep you inform asap
I have a big big crush on Ariel's Gizmos Aplenty, I think you understood :D What about you, which one do you prefer ?

Schette, le 1er avril 2016 (not a fake post)

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