Born Pretty - Change in the day


Born Pretty - Change in the day

Ce Noir à paillettes holographique thermal s'appelle Change in the day de Born Pretty. Ici en deux couches avec top coat.
This Black with holographic glitter thermal is called Change in the day by Born Pretty. Here in two coats with top coat.

Born Pretty - Change in the day

Born Pretty - Change in the day

Born Pretty - Change in the day

Born Pretty - Change in the day

Born Pretty - Change in the day

Born Pretty - Change in the day


  • Formule = L'application était facile. Le vernis en soi est très joli, mais l'effet thermique est quasi inexistant. Si vous vous lavez les mains à l'eau chaude, le vernis deviendra gris-blanc, mais cela ne durera pas plus de 10 secondes avant que le noir ne redevienne completement présent. A 4$ le vernis, on ne peut pas trop en demander plus. Vous pourrez l'acheter ici
  • Application = Ici en deux couches avec top coat.
  • Couleur = Noir à paillettes holographique thermal
  • Opinion = 2/5
  • Formula = The application was easy. The polish itself is pretty, but the thermal effect is almost non existing. If you wash your hand with hot water, the polish will become gray-white, but this won't last for more than 10 seconds before the polish turn back black. For $4 you can not ask more. You can buy it here
  • Application = Here in two coats with top coat.
  • Color = Black with holographic glitter thermal
  • Opinion = 2/5
Schette, le 12 janvier 2019

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