Born Pretty - Magnetic Pen


Born Pretty - Magnetic Pen

Ce crayon magnétique de Born Pretty Store vous permettra de dessiner facilement des fleurs et des lignes sur vos vernis magnétiques.
This Magnetic Pen from Born Pretty Store will allow you to easily draw flawers or lines on Magnetic polish.

Born Pretty - Magnetic Pen

Born Pretty - Magnetic Pen

Born Pretty - Magnetic Pen

Born Pretty - Magnetic Pen

Maintenant, avec les lignes !
Now with lines !

Born Pretty - Magnetic Pen

Born Pretty - Magnetic Pen


  • Formule = J'adore cet aimant, vraiment, on a super facilement un joli dessin qui tient dans le temps. Je l'ai appliqué sur un vernis magnétique de chez Born Pretty (Greenland night). Vous pourrez l'acheter ici
  • Application = Dès le premier passage, on voit le dessin.
  • Couleur = N/A
  • Opinion = 5/5
  • Formula = I love this magnet ! You can really easily have a great design that stay in time. I use it over a magnetic polish from Born Pretty Store (Greenland night). You can buy it here
  • Application = As soon as you go with the pen, you'll be able the see the design.
  • Color = N/A
  • Opinion = 5/5
Schette, le 5 novembre 2018

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